Thursday, January 30, 2014

Last day in Cardiff

Well today is our last day in Wales. Tomorrow morning (bright and early!!!) we ship back off for London to fly back to the good ole U S of A. These past few days have been fairly relaxing. 

The night before last we stopped by a brewery called Zero Degrees... I wasn't impressed.

Bored enough to take a selfie!

I out drank the boys on many levels!!

The next day, we ate lunch at a place called mission burrito, think of it as overpriced and dried our chipotle. But the comment card was cute!

Then we wanted to find a pub to watch the Cardiff city football game... The queens vault was right next door but it was PACKED!

We ended up at a place called the yard, and I had my first fish and chips. Pretty good I must say. 

Their bathroom was nice to me.

Butt the ceiling wallpaper was a bit backwards. Heh heh

So today I'm going for my 3rd run this week, and I'm meeting up with my new friends for a farewell dinner. Last night :(

Love and cheers,

Monday, January 27, 2014


Which apparently means Two for One. Have a good laugh now because I won't be allowing anyone to get that one off on me again. It seems so glaringly obvious now, but in those first few days here in the UK (which today means UcK-y weather.) I couldn't understand a fraction of what I saw and read. I thought it might be what they called their Happy Hour. Turns out it's just an insanely good deal you can take advantage of during happy hour. 

I digress, today is a 241. Yesterday's lazy reading coupled with today's lazy weather. A few extras from the past week sprinkled in that I somehow missed. 

A prime example here. On our 2nd or 3rd say our friend BH took us on a quick walking tour of Cardiff City Center (where we're staying and the gents are working.) and I had to laugh about the perfection of this bird sitting stop the statues head. Could it be anymore hilarious?

Indeed if could because literally the NEXT DAY as we walked around looking for lunch, the same bird (I imagine this too be the Mufasa of seagulls, the arcade is his pride [double pun!].) or maybe Even a different bird that stole his idea or fought for the right to take his place, was in the same spot!!  Too funny not to capture.

In days since, I have no seen anymore. I can promise I would have photographed them! 

Below is a framed print we saw in the Rummer tavern when we returned one evening for a few pints. I especially am reminded of my Brother-In-Law. This is something he and my sister would like.

Yesterday J and I got out for a bite to eat (he couldn't stand staying in bed all day like me :-), though I've made quite the art of relaxation.) and he used a phone booth to call a local beer shop. As the phone booth was not of the vintage variety I thought I'd grab a quick few good shots of the castle we walk around day in and day out.

Here is a close up of the gorgeous clocktower.

We decided to watch the FA Cup games at the Queens Vault which is across from Cardiff City's millennium stadium home to their football club. It's actually a good team!

On the way home we stopped in a mountain gear store and I snagged this jumper for £8, wearing it today!!!

Later for dinner we found literally no one on the street and just a few options for eating out. This place, Revolution, was open and we were the ONLY customers. 

J ordered the "original" Budweiser from the Czech brewery that recently won a lawsuit allowing them to CONTINUE using their centuries old brewery name in the EU only. Stupid Anheuser-Busch trying to take advantage with their crappy beer. 

Turns out this one is only morse rarely better. J's rating below:

In the way home we stopped at McD's (again one of the few places open.) and grabbed a mcflurry of the local variety! 

Here's a decent description of what lion candy is:

Today I was determined to get back into running. Promptly got stuck in a few downpours from which I sought shelter in bus stops. Here's a look at how soaked I was (or at least the part not sheltered by me.) don't worry I wore a light running jacket but took it off the second I got in doors. Way too warm!

Figured you should also see how red and breathless I was. Heh.

I cracked open our window to cool down and decided you might want to see a picture of the clock tower that rings EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES. I had thought this would keep me up at night, surprisingly not.

After I met up with the gents for lunch we went to grab Starbucks (yes they have them over here, and they use my gift cards!) and I thought you may care to know about the local big brewery, (think like Legend's or Hardywood.) makes me think of zombies. The dragon is the symbol of Wales. 

Anyway, I'm back now. Ready to read another good book. See you all tomorrow!!

Love & Cheers, 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Day of Castles

We began our day with a nice sleep-in, late breakfast and set off around 11. We went round Cardiff City first then head off for Castle Coch (with a 'k'), set up on a hill. Quite a steep hill, we climbed by foot.

Isn't is a bit like Brave?

With this filter it's a bit scary.

Which I apparently forgotto take off for my next picture. Ghost baby!

My friend BH took about 1000 shots of this picture. All remarkably similar and none capturing the whole of the castle.

You can tell this was meant as more of lookout, it's not terribly large.

But there is a wonderful view down to the river.

The weather, while the rain held off, was PERFECT for photographing the castles.

Giant J, tiny door!!

Castle selfie!

Not sure what the tiny door at the bottom left was for... Quick escape? Rubbish disposal?

As you move round the castle you see more of it is still red brick, out of direct sunlight.

Sadly, many UK Castles are the locations for suicides. How sad :-(. This must be in memory of one.

You can see glass windows, installed at some point when a zillionaire thought,"let's make this place home!"

JH went down to fetch me some true Welsh slate!! I brought it home with me.

Lovely view as we descended the hill back to the car.

Look solar panels!!! Eco friendly!!

In the middle of the shot Caerphilly_Castle

We parked at the only grocery store I've yet seen that wasn't a market. We walked across the street to the castle.  Look it has a moat!

One of the towers is a bit broken, yet it still hangs on. Amazing. When we stare at it it's almost as if we can see it falling before our eyes.

It's quite big!!

Panoramic of the whole of the main entrance. A double walled castle.

Standard arch entry. 

A view to the right, they appear to have a Canadian geese problem as well!

Selfie! J is eating a pastie. A toaster strudel with corned beef and hash inside. True Brit snacking.

Apparently one must pay £4.50 to enter the rest of the castle which we thought was a bit much. So we walked around the part that was free.

Like this part through a lovely arch.

But first we noticed that I sold LUXURY Farmhouse Ice Cream. So I posed!

Our boys talking about the various issues with only building one outer wall. Lovely moat/lake.

This is a great example of archery holes, great amounts of room to move about from within, much harder to conquer from the out.

I thought this was a lovely juxtaposition of castle moat/ village and hills.

People are allowed to camp out at fish. A bit tacky if you asked me.

A look to the left as we exit the keep of the castle.

As we round the castle we discover more secret holes/exits.

This is a view coming up on where we are going to stand, with the castle behind it.

More geese, with ducks mixed in. They looked so cold!!!

The keep from the small bridge.

This creepy statue... Angel? Gargoyle? Pagan god?

The entrance that we approached. Loads of archery windows.

Catapults!! Very clearly replications but still cool!

The welsh flag!!! As well as the creepy statue.

The village beyond the castle. So normal looking!

The keep of the castle

J & I with the castle behind us. Good shot!

Birds hole up in the humidity/drainage holes. Good for them as the wind and rain picked up seriously!

So we headed to the Courthouse pub for the game (so Brit).

Our mate and lovely host & hostess to Wales. (Wearing thoroughly American outfits themselves!)

This is how upset I was by the lack of view I could get with the filtered sunlight. Angels must have been landing.

Is still haven't had a proper cup of tea or afternoon tea either but, JH indulged herself (so Brit!).

Then we went back to their house and met their mastiffs. Lovely big puppies Einstein...

And Izzie!! J's size 13 shoe is a scale to how big Izzie's head is. And she's the smaller of the two!

On the way home we pass through a real posh part of town. Apparently pronounced Rih-bee-nuh.

J and I went for take out. This place was a bit less than flavorful but freshly made and still good. I'm just sad that I couldn't eat it all and we have no fridge or microwave. :-(

J had McDonald's bacon burger off the Saver menu. Bacon is uncooked so he took it off.

Then we went to bed. Big relaxer tomorrow!

Love & Cheers,