Monday, June 2, 2014

Therapy Animal Certification

Musings from the doctors office

The lady sitting behind me has a dog in a blue vest that says "service dog". Literally the entirety of this time I've been here she had been telling the dog to sit and leave people alone, that she has a mind of her own, etc. Seriously, if this is a therapy dog then I must qualify as a therapist. Who the hell is letting people give therapy dog status to dogs that are not obedience trained or qualified? People abuse the system like this all the time and while I am a faithful supporter of animals rights, I also know that this dog is not providing any support (seems to be pissing her off to no end as well as the rest of the people in the waiting room.) I have a customer at my store that bring her dog in every Sunday and while her dog is legitimately well behaved and doesn't make a sound or move out of turn, she has admitted to me and other staff members that she was upset that we told her she couldn't bring her dog in here so she got it certified as a therapy dog and now they can't say anything. That is abusing the system!!!! This dog behind me is a SHITZU! This dog is not opening doors or telling her to wait to cross the street. Likewise this dog is so poorly trained (at least the owner is) that she won't sit least of all stay, she BARKS at the owner, and the owner says "what?."

UGH. Abusing the system. Lets get a freaking handle on this shit ok?

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