Friday, May 2, 2014

Running Again

Today I hit the pavement again after a WHOLE ENTIRE MONTH off to let my plantar fasciitis heal. My doctor said I only needed to rest a week and half but I wanted to be SURE. 

I also allowed myself the luxury of starting off low and slow so that I wouldn't develop PF again. So today I only ran 20 min. And remember, I ALWAYS devote my first and last five minutes to warm up and cool down respectively. So really it's like I only ran 10 minutes. 

And you know what? I'm not ashamed! This is the choice I had to make to have healthy happy feet. I'm going to run every other day for this whole month. I'm not using a training plan YET but I'm working my way back up to the level of the training plan I will be using. 

You see, I've signed up for the Richmond half marathon in November, and I'm so excited!! It's really far away so if I don't want to peak too early, I've got to take it easy and gradually work my way through the training plan.

In other news I've now switched to a different medics, Z and upped my dosage. Today is my fifth day on it and while I fought a headache yesterday (side effect) I have noticed a slight trend of ease starting to happen. It seems as if less things are requiring me to self talk and boost myself up. I don't want to speak to early, but for the first time I can say I think it's going to happen for me. 

That is a hugely hopeful and powerfully optimistic statement.


Lastly, my weigh-ins have NOT been good. Maybe that's a side effect of the drug, but before I can decide, I want to really REALLY buckle down and track everything and especially stop myself from going over my daily target. 

So far I've been even or under by 1 the last 3 days, and I've been tracking pretty faithfully. This is good!! Along with my renewed running activities I have faith that my weigh in will be down! 

And if it isn't, then we know it's the drug and we need to find a different one.

Well that's about it. Check out Pepper's blog for my adaptation to brownies that make them easier to control.

See you all later!


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